Posted Abroad
Steve Hare
During World War Two, draconian paper rationing, and the increased difficulties in exporting books to readers abroad presented particular challenges to Penguin Books. They had always enjoyed an international audience, but now had many of their eager UK readers in uniform and posted abroad. The challenge – to keep a regular flow of books to that remote and scattered audience – appealed to Penguin’s founder, Allen Lane, who contrived to supply books through several ingenious and unconventional methods.
Steve Hare
During World War Two, draconian paper rationing, and the increased difficulties in exporting books to readers abroad presented particular challenges to Penguin Books. They had always enjoyed an international audience, but now had many of their eager UK readers in uniform and posted abroad. The challenge – to keep a regular flow of books to that remote and scattered audience – appealed to Penguin’s founder, Allen Lane, who contrived to supply books through several ingenious and unconventional methods.